Neurodiversity paradigm: a new way to understand the autism spectrum disorders


  • Sebastián Andrés Sánchez Sosa Universidad Central del Ecuador


Trastorno del Espectro Autista, Neurodivergente, Neurotipico, Paradigma de Neurodiversidad, Terapia Ocupacional


In this work, autism will be approached from the Neurodiversity Paradigm. This paradigm is accompanied by the Social Constructivist Model and the Neurodiversity Movement, which are considered as one of the best ways to approach Autism without neglecting the other considerations that exist in the scientific environment. It is about going beyond the disorder specified in DSM IV-V and seeing from the other part of the window, entering the house of Autism and trying to understand what is happening, not only from a genetic or biological perspective, but also social but deeper.


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