Neoliberal system and its sociocultural effects. The case of cannabis


  • Gonzalo Erik Toro Merino Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins


Biopolítica, Cannabis, Elección Ocupacional, Gubernamentalidad, Sistema Neoliberal, Foucault, Microfísica del poder


The objective of this article is to analyze the different social actors that are part of the structuring of society, particularly those that have the greatest influence at the level of being able to direct in some sense the admiration or rejection of certain activities. It is intended to give the reader a different perspective on the current context, offering a new way of conceptualizing the process of illegalization of cannabis production and consumption, this caused clearly by its textile, chemical and pharmacological benefits, which threatened the main industries booming by the end of the 19th century such as tobacco companies, the timber industry and petrochemicals. These facts are presented with emphasis and articulation on what Michelle Foucault would define as Biopolitics and Governance, which indicates that these are instruments used by social elites to deliver a reality according to certain arbitrary guidelines that have been gradually and subliminally delivered a way of understanding and carrying out life, Foucault argues that Biopolitics is true information that is delivered only in social structures such as schools, hospitals and churches, institutions that boast of being harmless, unquestionable and of total service to their adherents, It is here that a conceptualization of life is distributed where it is cataloged and gives a name to what is learned, what is healthy and what is moral, giving a structure of living life creating the normal and the abnormal more punishing that that does not agree and generating the satisfaction of the sanction since it gives a sense of justice and that the regulations to which we supposedly all agree on what is defined as a constitution or social contract whose process Michelle calls as the microphysics of power are really complied with, the dangerous issue lies in when these Biopolitics attempt against social groups defined, since in this sense it is really a macro-strategy to subjugate these groups, being very present in society since it is the easiest and most used strategies for a product to be better than the competition, soiling it, stigmatizing it, so It is as Foucault indicates that knowledge is transformed into an instrument of power, since by controlling the source of knowledge it is possible to generate one of power and with this stigmatize and hide those components that may threaten dominant ideas, this is how neoliberalism and commercial competition has generated that those who have money and the power to change or guide the tastes of the population n towards certain activities have been forming people interested in new devices and their limited utilities, directly impacting on the occupational elections and propitiating the bad conditions in which we live, while the technology was born to solve the problems raised in a social environment, until the Greed changed its course to exploit knowledge for super specialization. It is concluded that the moment in which we live is a construction of history, as the saying goes, the history is written by the winners, but consider that those who won first, were the first colluded, the first scammers, the first assailants and thieves, those who already in good purchasing position constituted the basic norms of society so that their achievements were not replicated, an elegant way to protect copyright, interfering property again, so we will be destroying the story part by part since this It is not immovable if not the opposite.


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